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LiftLife Dumbbell Rack

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Be it a gym or the house, rogue dumbbells rolling around are an extreme hazard! It can cause innumerable accidents and that cannot be good for anybody. Thus, keeping the safety of you and your loved ones in mind we bring you our LiftLife Dumbbell Rack. Made of industrial plastic this rack is designed in a simple and useful way. It has been built with the provision of holding 3 pairs of dumbbells at a time! A perfect addition for home lifters this rack will ensure safety and proper organization. Get down to your weight training without having to worry a single bit anymore!  Find the right product each time and don’t lose your flow! Let the LiftLife do the work for you so that you can focus on conquering the world- one dumbbell at a time!

  • Product type: Weightlifting Dumbbell rack.
  • Product use: Home Organization.
  • Size: Standard. 
  • Material: Plastic. 
Capacity: 3 pair/6 pieces.
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