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DynamicPunch Muscle PowerBall



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Powerballs have taken the fitness industry by storm. From muscle builders to athletes to adventurers everybody wants a Powerball these days to train and keep themselves fit and agile at all times! So, if you're looking for one, we bring you the best of the lot. Our DynamicPunch is a rainbow LED Powerball with the ability to train your hands and wrists for a stronger and more powerful arm. Its gyroscopic properties will allow you to use it as a spinner so that you can improve the circulation in your fingers, wrists and arms! Available in 3 combinations of colors this product will be of supreme use to any fitness enthusiast! So, don’t wait a moment longer- get yourself the DynamicPunch today and have an exciting workout session! 

    • Type: Wrist ball
    • Function: Comprehensive Fitness Exercise
    • Model Number: unavailable .
    • Colors: 3 different combinations
    • Rainbow LED Design.


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